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Living Life
On Wheels


To give wheelchair confined individuals a place to relate to one another on subjects that no one else can truly relate to.


Knowing you are in a wheeling is one thing, but understanding it without conversation is solitude. Giving a place for wheelchair confined individuals a place to share anonymously!


Caregivers not only need to care but how does one keep giving unconditional support without sharing your thoughts; is an unsafe place. Share your heart here safely.


Sharing challenges is a moment when someone else can learn and grow! Knowing special ways to cope for those confined and those who work to help. Working together, sharing together.

A Fresh Start To My Attempt At Blogging
Until you’ve had to do it, there really is no way to relate to, or to truly understand what living life in a wheelchair is like. I’m not thinking an hour, a day, a week or even a month. I’m  thinking it requires a full year to fully comprehend and understand what it’s...
Let’s talk about COMPASSION
Let's Talk About CompassionCOMPASSION is: Showing how you feel by providing care, comfort, and sympathy for others. Your actions display your feelings. Speaking for myself, I agree that words like kind, caring, and compassionate are applicable descriptions of how care...
Empathy & Sympathy are NOT the SAMEfacebookinstagramgoogle-plusEMPATHY & SYMPATHY ARE NOT THE SAME Empathy is our ability to understand how someone feels while sympathy is our relief in not having the same problems. When we relate with empathy, we give the...
Author’s Spot

As the main publisher to this website I’d like to share some viewpoints. I live with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). I was diagnosed at the age of 21. At a time in my life when I had the world at my feet. Now as I sit here at the age of 60 I have come to realize some of the mistakes I have made. 

Copyright © September 15, 2024 Living Life On Wheels